Does Coffee Expire? Is It Safe to Drink?
If you are anything like you then you have several different types of coffee around your kitchen. Everything from coffee beans to flavored k cups. With all of these different kinds of coffee you might be wondering if coffee goes bad.

Does it have an expiration date? If so, how long does coffee last? I did some research to help you figure out what the shelf life is for each type of coffee and what steps you can take to extend the shelf life for as long as possible. This way you can enjoy all of your favorite coffees without worrying about wasting them.
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Does coffee expire?
As with all food and beverage, coffee does expire. The good news is that coffee has a long shelf life, so you have plenty of time to enjoy it while it is in your home. You can also take steps and store your coffee in the proper way to extend the shelf life, giving you even more time to enjoy it with your family and friends.
Does coffee go bad?
Just like most food and drink items in this world, coffee does go bad. The bright side is that it has a long shelf life and even longer if you know how to store it properly.
How long does coffee last?
Different types of coffee have different shelf lives. It depends on several different factors such as the type of coffee, the quality of the coffee, and how you store your coffee. While your coffee will taste the best when it is freshly roasted. It does have quite a long shelf life where it is still good to drink. So, let’s discuss the shelf life of each type of coffee.
Shelf Life of Coffee Beans:
The best type of coffee that you can buy is coffee beans. This way you can freshly grind and brew them yourself. These beans have the longest shelf life and retain more of the flavor for longer. So, how long is the shelf life of coffee beans. If the bag is unopened then they last anywhere from six to nine months.
Once the bag has been opened then the beans last up to six months depending on how you store them. While you have to do more work to enjoy coffee beans vs ground coffee, it is worth it in the long run. As long as you have a good quality coffee grinder you should have no problem. Plus, after tasting freshly ground and brewed coffee you will see why the work is worth it.
Shelf Life of Ground Coffee:
The shelf life of coffee grounds is shorter than that of coffee beans. An unopened bag can last up to five months. Once you open the bag, it will last between one and two months. After that it is no longer fresh and loses its flavor. Please note that it is best to store your coffee in an airtight container and in a cool, dry place for the longest shelf life.
Do k cups expire?
Single serve coffee cups are very popular to use. Many people own a Keurig machine. Which means many brands will offer some of their more popular flavors as k cups for your convenience. The good news is that each individual k cup stays sealed until you brew it. This helps to extend the shelf life of each one.
On average, the shelf life of k cups is anywhere from five to eight months. However, always check the expiration date on the package to be safe. As with the other types of coffee you should be storing your pods in a dry, cool place for the longest shelf life. You will notice after eight months that the coffee will start to lose and flavor and taste stale.
This is why you want to start enjoying it as soon as you buy it. If you notice any of your k cups are slightly opened, then you should immediately use them or toss them out. They won’t last very long once they have been unsealed.
Shelf Life of Instant Coffee:
Instant coffee has a long shelf life. Some instant coffee last more than two years before they expire. It really depends on the brand, so you want to make sure to check the label to be safe. Like the other types of coffee, your packets should be stored in a dry, cool place. The great thing about instant coffee is that, like k cups, each packet stays sealed until you use it.
This is why they tend to last much, much longer than coffee beans and ground coffee. Most instant coffees last for many years without any problems. Also, unlike other types of coffee you can keep these in the freezer without it altering the taste. Plus, it will keep the coffee fresher for even longer.
How long does brewed coffee last?
On average, brewed coffee is good for four to six hours. While you can drink it after that, the coffee will not taste as good. However, you should not drink brewed coffee that has been sitting for longer than eight hours.
Another thing that a lot of people do that can ruin the taste is to re-heat the coffee. Re-heating will alter the flavor and give it a weird, burnt taste. You don’t want to overheat the coffee. If you tend to take a long time to drink your coffee, then I recommend you buy an insulated coffee mug. This way you can keep your coffee hot without ruining the taste of it.
How to Store Coffee Properly to Extend its Shelf Life:
There is a reason why so many coffee manufacturers use vacuum-sealed bags for their coffee. In order to keep the coffee fresh and flavorful you don’t want air to get inside. So, in order to make your coffee last longer you want to keep it tightly closed. If you can store your coffee in an airtight container that is even better.
The less sunlight, moisture, and air that gets inside the longer your coffee will stay fresh. The moisture is the most critical. You don’t want any moisture to get in because it will quickly degrade the coffee and cause mold and mildew to grow on it, which is the last thing you want.
Also, remember that k cups and instant coffee stays fresher longer because they stay sealed until they are used. Also, coffee beans last longer than ground coffee because the inside of the beans retain the flavor and oil in them.
If you grind the coffee right before you brew it, the taste will be better. I suggest you store your coffee beans in an airtight container and then grind them as you need them to brew your coffee for the day.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here are some of the common questions that people have regarding properly storing their coffee and expired coffee.
Does the coffee roast matter when it comes to the shelf life?
There are a variety of ways that you can roast coffee beans that will affect the flavor profile of them. However, the type of roast doesn’t really affect the shelf life of the coffee. Lighter roasts may last longer than darker roast coffee beans. It isn’t a drastic difference though, so if you love dark roast coffee there is no reason to stop buying it.
Should you freeze the coffee beans and grounds?
Many people store their coffee in the freezer because it helps to preserve it. However, I do not recommend this. While it does help to keep your coffee fresher for longer. It also takes all of the flavor out of it. So, while your coffee is still fresh it will not have any flavor when you brew it. What is the point of drinking coffee if it tastes bland and boring?
The only exception to this is instant coffee, which will taste pretty much the same when frozen. If you want to keep your coffee both fresh and packed with flavor then you should put it in an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place. This is the absolute best way to store your coffee so it is ready to brew in the morning.
How can you tell if the coffee has gone bad?
First, it is important to note that this is different than your coffee being expired. Expired coffee just means that it is past the best-by date on the package. However, it still may taste fine and be safe to consume. However, coffee can also go bad which means that you definitely don’t want to drink it.
So, how can you tell if the coffee has gone bad or spoiled? Well, the easiest way is to use your various senses and check it. If the coffee beans are a lighter color that is a sign that the coffee is stale. If the coffee looks moldy at all, then definitely toss it.
Also, smell it and see if there is any aroma left. Many times, the coffee will not smell like anything, or smell off. This gives you a good idea that it has also lost most or all of its flavor, so you won’t enjoy drinking it. When it comes to brewed coffee you will no that it is starting to go bad when it starts to taste more bitter and sour than it should.
What happens if you drink expired coffee?
This is a hard question to answer because it depends on several factors. The type of coffee and how long after the expiration date will affect how the coffee tastes. It is best that you brew coffee before or close to the best-by date on the package. While drinking it after this date will affect the flavor you should be safe to drink it.
However, if it is way past the date then you should probably not drink it to be safe. The last thing you want is to get sick drinking coffee that doesn’t even taste good. There are many things you can use expired coffee grounds for, such as fertilizer and in skin care, so that they don’t go to waste.
This way you will still get benefit out of your coffee without having to drink it. Trust me, you do not want to drink stale and flavorless coffee. Use that coffee for better uses around the house and make yourself a cup of coffee with fresh coffee instead.
What can you use expired coffee for, besides drinking?
There are many things you can use your expired coffee for around the house. A few popular ones are to use the coffee grounds as fertilizers in your garden. You can also use the ground coffee in skin care products such as body scrubs.
You can even use the coffee as a meat tenderizer. There is no need to drink stale coffee or to just toss it, unless it is moldy of course. You can still get use out of it. This way it doesn’t go to waste and you get your money’s worth out of it.
What should you do with the extra brewed coffee?
We have all had days where we brewed too much coffee and don’t finish it all. So, what should be do with it so that it doesn’t go to waste. Here are some suggestions to help you out.
- Put the brewed coffee in a blender with some milk and ice cream to make a milkshake. Add some chocolate to turn it into mocha ice cream
- Add the brewed coffee to a chocolate cake recipe to make a mocha cake (you can also make them as cupcakes)
- Pour the brewed coffee into an ice cube tray, so you always have them on hand to quickly add to various recipes, or to add some extra oomph to your iced coffee.
Final Thoughts:
While coffee does expire, it lasts long enough that you usually have time to enjoy it before it happens. Also, there are simple steps you can take when storing it to ensure a long shelf life for your coffee. Having expired coffee in the house is never what you want.
The good news is that even if your coffee does expire you can use it for other things around your home, so you still get your money’s worth. I have used to for several different things. My favorite is to use in for DIY body scrubs to keep in my bathroom.
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