Washed vs Unwashed Coffee: Which is Better?

Washed vs unwashed coffee, what the heck is that? If you have wondered about it, chances are you saw one of these descriptions on the package of your coffee and got to searching. 

coffee beans with cup of coffee in them

I mean, isn’t all coffee washed and cleaned before it’s packaged? These terms have to do with the different processes that the beans go through before they are roasted and packaged for sell. So, what do each of these terms mean and what is the difference between them? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know to choose the best one for you.

What is washed coffee?

So, what is washed coffee? Washed coffee, also called wet coffee, is a process that is used to remove the outer coffee fruit layer. This outer layer is called the mucilage layer. It is removed before the coffee bean is dried and fermented.

Washed Coffee Process:

There are several steps that are used to in the washed coffee process. These steps include:

1. Sorting:

The coffee fruit is collected and then sorted. This is done so that any fruit that is not ripe or is damaged is excluded from the processing. Only the highest quality coffee fruit is processed and prepared for packaging.

2. Pulping:

The next step in the process is pulping. This is where the skin of the coffee cherry is removed using a special machine, the pulper. All of the outer layers are removed, except for the mucilage layer.

3. Fermentation:

Once the coffee cherries have been pulped, they are placed in a huge tank of water for the fermentation process to take place. This can take up to 24 hours to complete. During this time, the enzymes will break down the mucilage layer of the coffee cherries.

4. Washing:

After the coffee cherries are done with the fermentation step, they are removed from the tanks. Now it is time for them to be washed. By washing them with water, it removes the rest of the mucilage layer from them. 

5. Drying:

The last step in the process is drying. This step can be done is several different ways. The coffee beans can be dried naturally using the sun or they can be dried using equipment. Many times, a combination of both types is used to dry them.

The washed coffee process yields the highest quality coffee beans compared to other methods that will be discussed below. It takes a higher level of skill and knowledge to do it successfully. It is a more expensive process. However, it yields better results. Usually, specialty coffee is processed using this method.

What does washed coffee taste like?

So, what does washed coffee taste like? The washed coffee method eliminates the mucilage layer. This layer gives the coffee bean a sweeter taste. By getting rid of it, it removes that from the bean. You are left with a cleaner, more acidic coffee bean flavor. The natural flavors of the coffee beans are enhanced for you to enjoy.

What is unwashed coffee?

Now that we have discussed washed coffee, you are probably wondering what unwashed coffee is. Unwashed coffee is the method of process the coffee fruit naturally. It is also called the dry process. This is the oldest method that has been used for hundreds of years to process the coffee berries. So, what does this method look like? Let’s take a look.

Unwashed Coffee Process:

The unwashed coffee process is a simpler method that doesn’t require as much skill as the washed coffee method does. It is a natural way of extracting the coffee bean from the fruit. So, what do you do? The first thing you do is gently wash the coffee cherries.

After they have been cleaned, they are laid out in the sun to dry. This process can take several weeks to complete. You will need to rotate the coffee cherries in order to prevent them from spoiling. They also need to be covered at night, and during rainy weather, in order to protect them from the elements.

Once the moisture content of the coffee cherries reaches 11%, the seeds are separated from the fermented fruit and the process is complete. This method is generally employed in hotter, drier regions such as Ethiopia. This process is simpler and less expensive to utilize. However, it does take longer to complete than the washed coffee method. 

What does unwashed coffee taste like?

The unwashed coffee method gives you a sweeter, yet bolder taste than the washed coffee method does. Due to the fact that the mucilage layer is not removed during the process, the coffee bean has a distinctly sweet taste to it.

Many times, you can detect a berry note such as strawberry or blueberry, or a tropical fruit flavor to the bean. This is because the coffee cherry is left to dry naturally for weeks out in the sun. During the process, the flavors of the fruit seeps into the coffee bean.

During the roasting process, the fruity sweetness and sugars come out. The coffee is less acidic. It has a complex, smooth taste to it. 

What is semi-washed coffee?

Now that you know what both washed coffee and unwashed coffee are, it is important to note that there is also a third, less known process called semi-washed coffee. So, what is semi-washed coffee? This is a process that combines both methods together.

It is a hybrid technique that couples both the washed and unwashed coffee methods together. This method is also called the wet-hulled process.

Semi-washed Coffee Process:

So, what does this hybrid method look like? In the semi-washed coffee process the fruit is gently washed using water. Then, the outer skins of the coffee cherries are removed using machines. The pulp, however, is allowed to remain. The fruit is then placed out to dry in the sun. This allows the fruit to dry, but the pulp remains wet. Then the coffee beans are extracted from the fruit.

What does semi-washed taste like?

Semi-washed coffee takes on attributes of both of the other processes. The coffee is more acidic, yet still bold and complex in flavor. It will have a hint of sweetness to it. Washed coffee gives you the pure flavor of the coffee bean. Unwashed coffee gives you the flavor and character of the coffee cherry. Semi-washed coffee gives you a mix of both. It is the best of both worlds.

Final Thoughts: Which is Better?

Overall, you will find that the majority of the people tend to like the washed coffee method the best. If you want a bright, acidic taste to your coffee then go for the washed coffee beans. This allows the flavor of the bean to take center stage.

However, if you want your coffee beans to be a little sweeter and bolder then the unwashed coffee is the right choice for you. Semi-washed gives you a little of both. Really there is no right or wrong choice. It all comes down to personal preference. So, be sure to taste each type and then you will know which one is best for you.

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