What is the Strongest Coffee at Starbucks?
After a weekend of fun and excitement, nobody is ever ready for Monday morning. This is probably why there is always a crazy, long line at Starbucks in the morning. Everyone needs to get their caffeine fix to get through the workday.

I’m sure we have all wondered what the most caffeinated drink at Starbucks is, or maybe that’s just coffee addicts like me. Anyways, if you are one of these people and you want the most bang for your buck, then you want to make sure that you order one of these drinks.
Whether you like hot or cold, espresso or cold brew, I have you covered with this list. I scoured the Starbucks menu to find Starbucks strongest coffees so that you don’t have to. You’re welcome.
How I Chose the Coffee Drinks:
Before we get to the list there are a few things that I want to clarify:
- All of the information is based off of Starbucks official menu
- I am basing the strongest coffees on their caffeine level, not the flavor or roast type.
- I will base the caffeine level numbers on the 12 oz. (Tall) drink size at Starbucks.
- According to Starbucks, they use .75 ounce for their espresso shots, which is different than a normal espresso shot.
Ok, now that we got all of that out of the way let’s get to the drinks.
Which is the strongest coffee at Starbucks?
If you are in a hurry and just want to order the strongest, most caffeinated drink at Starbucks, then you want to order one of the coffees from the Clover Brewing System. These are the most caffeinated drinks on the Starbucks menu.
Unfortunately, not all Starbucks stores have this machine. If your store doesn’t have one, then check out our list for the other options that will give you the kick you need to get through the day.
Starbucks Most Caffeinated Coffee Drinks:
1. Starbucks Clover Brewed Coffee (280 mg)
Clover Brewed Coffee is made using the special Clover Machine. This isn’t a new kind of drink. Starbucks has been making them since 2007. However, this is a more exclusive beverage.
Not all stores have this coffee machine and the ones that do tend to run out of the coffee fast. The reason is that the beans come in small batches, so Starbucks can only make so many cups of coffee before they run out.
This coffee system is like an automatic French press that makes a strong, unique coffee for you to enjoy. There are different kinds of coffee brewed using this system, so you can choose the one that sounds the tastiest to you.
If you are lucky enough to have them available, I highly suggest you try one. They have more than enough caffeine to wake you up and ready to tackle the day.
2. Starbucks Blonde Roast Brewed Coffee (270 mg)
If you want a strong coffee, with a milder flavor profile then you should order this one. It is a light roast coffee that features a sweet and nutty flavor. It won’t be smoky and bitter like the dark roast coffees at Starbucks.
This is the perfect option if you want a delicious, light roast coffee that still has a caffeine kick to it. The blonde roast coffee is very popular and should be available at most Starbucks locations.
3. Pike Place Roast Brewed Coffee (235 mg)
The Pike Place Roast is named after Pike Place Market. This is where the first Starbucks store is located. It is one of Starbucks signature blends. This is a medium roast coffee that is a little more bitter than the Blonde Roast, but still smooth.
It features a chocolate flavor profile and is one of the most popular coffees at Starbucks. If you like medium roast coffees, then you should like this one.
4. Nitro Cold Brew (215 mg)
The Nitro Cold Brew is a newer kid on the block, only a few years old at Starbucks. They started serving this coffee in 2016 and it quickly became a cult favorite, especially in the hotter months.
This cold brew is made by steeping the coffee in cold water for many hours and then infusing Nitrogen into it. If you love the sweet and foamy nature of cold brew, you should try the nitro cold brew. You will love it.
This coffee is lighter in color than most people expect when they think of coffee. It looks more like a beer with the light color, tiny bubbles, and foam on top. There are quite a few different options, but the original one is pretty amazing, and has a little more caffeine than the others.
5. Nitro Cold Brew with Sweet Cream or Cascara Cold Foam (200 mg)
Like I stated above, the Nitro Cold Brew comes in different flavors. Two of which are the sweet cream and the cascara cold foam versions. If you like your coffee on the sweeter side, then these are for you.
A nitro cold brew is already sweeter than a plain black coffee or espresso, but these ones are even sweeter. These are a great way to enjoy a sweet coffee that still feels light. It is not heavy like the mochas and frappuccinos that you can get at Starbucks.
If you like the idea of black coffee, but hate the taste then give one of these a try. These are definitely one of my favorite coffees to order at Starbucks.
6. Featured Starbucks Dark Roast Coffee (195 mg)
If you love dark roast coffees that are smokier and more bitter then you will love this one. However, if you hate strong, bitter coffee then you should stay far, far away from it. While it does feature a bitter taste, it is smooth, bold, and well-balanced too.
This one tends to either be loved or hated depending on who you ask. However, if you love dark roast coffee and want a caffeine kick with it then get this one.
7. Starbucks Blonde Caffe Americano (170 mg)
The Blonde Caffe Americano at Starbucks clocks in with 170 mg of caffeine in it. An Americano is made by topping a shot or two of espresso with hot water. For this one, Starbucks uses a light roast.
Most cafes and coffee shops use a medium roast for their Americanos. By using a light roast instead, you will find that this one is sweeter and lighter. If you don’t usually like Americanos, you should give this one a try. After all, it may become your new favorite morning beverage.
8. Starbucks Cold Brew Coffee (155 mg)
Here is the original cold brew coffee, the classic version. This is another of Starbucks most popular beverages. Love the experience of black coffee, but hate the bitter, acidic taste of it. Then the cold brew will become your new best friend.
A cold brew coffee is smoother, lighter, and sweeter than regular black coffee. If you haven’t tried this amazing coffee, I promise you it is amazing.
However, if you want something that is even sweeter then order a cold brew with sweet cream or cascara cold fold. I will discuss these flavors more below.
9. Starbucks Caffe Americano (150 mg)
If you were disappointed that the Caffe Americano above was a light roast version. Don’t worry, you can get the traditional version. While it doesn’t have quite as much caffeine, it is enough to wake you up and ready for the day ahead.
We don’t have to say too much about this drink, it is a well-known and well-loved classic for a reason.
10. Cold Brew with Sweet Cream or Cascara Cold Foam (145 mg)
Yes, this is yet another cold brew on the list for you to consider. Cold brew coffees for a reason. They are refreshing and delicious while still giving the caffeine kick you want.
These two versions give you some extra sweetness. While the original cold brew is light, smooth, and sweet. Some still have a hard time with it because it is still a black coffee. However, adding some sweet cream or cascara cold foam gives you the touch of sweetness you are looking for.
These are great because they aren’t overly sweet or heavy like many of the other sweet drinks you can get at Starbucks. You still get the experience of drinking a cold coffee, with a sweeter taste.
Starbucks also features different limited, seasonal flavors throughout the year that are also delicious. The Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew is my personal favorite and I look forward to it every Fall.
11. Espresso Frappuccino (125 mg)
We finally get to the Frappuccino. A best-seller at Starbucks. These are the perfect coffee drinks for anyone who doesn’t like coffee. They will give you the caffeine you want while allowing you to enjoy a milkshake type beverage.
The espresso one has the highest caffeine level of all of the Frappuccino flavors. Why is this? Because while most of the other flavors are made using just instant coffee powder, this one also adds in espresso shots.
One thing to note is that this one doesn’t come with whip cream on top. However, you can ask the barista to add it for you. The other Frappuccino flavors do contain caffeine in them, just a lower level (70 mg). So you can still enjoy a little caffeine boost while you enjoy them.
12. Iced Coffee (120 mg)
The final coffee drink on this list is another classic, the iced coffee. If you love black coffee, but need it cold during the hot summer season then this is the one for you. You can get it either sweetened or unsweetened.
If you choose unsweetened you will get 140 mg of caffeine. If you want it sweet, you will get 120 mg of caffeine. No matter which way you like it, you will get the caffeine boost you are looking for in the morning.
Bonus Coffee – The Green Eye:
If you made it this far, congratulations. In order to thank you for taking the time to read my article I want to give you a bonus option.
The Green Eye Coffee, which is a version of the famous Red Eye Coffee, will give you the kick in the butt you need to stay focused and alert throughout the day.
You won’t find this drink on the menu because it is one of Starbucks secret menu items. You can learn all about it in my article, What is a Red Eye Coffee?
Please Note:
While all of these coffee drinks will give you the caffeine you need to make it through the day. It is important to note that, according to the FDA, a healthy adult shouldn’t have more than 400 mg of caffeine a day.
Please keep this in mind when you are ordering your coffee in the morning. You may want to opt for a smaller size to be on the safe side. If you don’t feel any negative side effects, you can always have a second cup of coffee later on if you need it.
Final Thoughts:
This list should give you plenty of options to choose the strongest coffee drink at Starbucks that will satisfy your taste buds. If you want to add more caffeine to your favorite beverage above, you can always ask them to add a shot of espresso to it.
This will allow you to get the caffeine and beverage that you want. Starbucks has plenty of options for you to buy, so you should have no problem finding something you will love.
My personal favorites are the various cold brew options. While I usually make my own coffee at home, I can’t help but stop by Starbucks every one in a while to get one.
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