How Long Before I Can Drink Coffee After Tooth Extraction?
For most people, going to the dentist is one of their least favorite things to do. Unfortunately, it’s a necessary part of life. When it comes to a tooth extraction the process is even worse.

You are not only losing one or more of your teeth, which is going to be a painful experience. You are also going to have to adjust to a new lifestyle, at least for a couple of weeks while you are healing.
If you are a coffee fanatic, like I am, you are probably wondering how long you have to wait to drink coffee after your tooth extraction procedure.
Can I drink coffee before a tooth extraction?
This is a question that many people forget to ask their doctor. We focus more on after it is all over. However, many professionals advise you to avoid coffee before the surgery. Normally, you are able to eat a light breakfast in the morning.
Be sure that you brush and rinse out your mouth after you eat. Coffee should be avoided because it can minimize the affect of the anesthesia, which is the last thing you want before your surgery. If you are worried about this, I highly recommend you ask your doctor and follow their advice regarding this matter.
How long do I have to wait to drink coffee after tooth extraction surgery?
You should be able to drink cold brew and iced coffee after 24 hours of your tooth extraction procedure. For a regular cup of hot coffee, you should wait at least 48 hours, or longer, before drinking it.
Why do I have to wait longer to drink hot coffee than cold coffee?
You have to wait longer to drink hot coffee after a tooth has been extracted because hot beverages can cause a “dry socket.” Remember that a tooth extraction is when the dentist removes the entire tooth. This leaves a hole in your mouth where the tooth was located.
In order for your mouth to heal, blood clots need to form to stop the bleeding, so that your mouth can heal itself. Hot beverages are more likely to dislodge the blood clot, this is known as a dry socket.
It is extremely painful and can cause further damage because without a blood clot to protect it the bone where your tooth was, is left exposed.
What are the drinking guidelines that I should follow post-extraction?
After you have your tooth extracted there are some common guidelines that your dentist will most likely want you to follow. These are important because they give your mouth the time they need to heal and get better without any complications occurring, such as “dry socket,” which we discussed above.
While it is vital that you get plenty of liquids after the surgery, there are some limitations regarding what you should drink. The types of drinks, temperature of the drinks, and process of drinking them are all important to have a safe and successful post-op experience, especially in the first 48 hours.
Which type of drinks are the best to have in the first 48 hours?
The most highly recommended drink you should be having to get your required liquids in during these most vital hours is water. This makes sense because you need to stay hydrated. Plus, it helps to clean your mouth without disrupting the healing process.
Other beverages that are safe to drink are juice and milk. You can add cold brew or iced coffee after the first 24 hours have passed. You should also avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages for the first 24 hours.
What temperature should the drinks be to prevent dry socket from occurring?
As we discussed above, you should be drinking cold beverages for at least the first 48 hours after your tooth extraction procedure. Why this isn’t something that most people think about, the temperature of your beverage does matter after an oral surgery. The last thing you want is for a dry socket to occur.
Hot beverages are the most likely to cause this to happen. This is why you don’t want to drink your hot cup of coffee during these vital hours. It is when the blood clots are forming to protect your gums and allowing your mouth to heal. As much you may love your coffee, trust me you don’t want to deal with the pain that comes with a dry socket formation.
If you desperately need your coffee on a daily basis, then drink it cold for a few days. This will allow your mouth to heal to the point where you can start drinking your coffee hot again without any issues happening.
What is the best process for drinking the beverages?
The best way to drink your beverages, especially during the first couple of days is to gently sip them. You don’t want to gulp your drinks down.
The worst thing you can do is to use a straw. If you use a straw, there is a high chance that you will end up dislodging the blood clot and causing dry socket to happen.
This is why it is vital that for the first 48 hours you gently sip on cold beverages. These will keep you hydrated and allow your gums to heal properly.
What to do if a dry socket occurs:
It is important to mention that even if you follow all of your dentist’s guidelines, there is still a chance that a dry socket forms. If this does happen, we wanted to be sure and give you some steps you can take to deal with it.
- Contact your doctor to see if you can go in and have them clean it out. This will help you get back on track with the healing process.
- Use the prescription mouthwash that your doctor is having you use during the healing process.
- Apply an ice pack to help with the pain and reduce any swelling that may happen.
- Take an ibuprofen, or other over-the counter-medication, to help ease the pain you are feeling.
- Continue monitoring it for any signs of infection. This way you can contact your dentist immediately and have it taken care of the proper way.
While there is no way to guarantee that you won’t have a dry socket form. There are things you can do to reduce the probability of it happening. By following these guidelines, you have better chance of experiencing a safe and quick healing process.
Your best bet is to stick to cold beverages for at least the first three days. You can even wait to hot your hot cup of coffee for five days to be extra cautious. It really depends on your body. Everyone is a little different in how quick they heal.
If you are still feeling pain and discomfort, then you don’t want to do anything that will add to it. Follow that guidelines and before you know it, you will be enjoying the first delicious sip of hot coffee again.
How long do I have to wait to start drinking coffee after wisdom tooth extraction?
We wanted to add this specific question because we know this is one of the most common oral surgery procedures out there. A wisdom tooth extraction is very similar to a regular extraction procedure.
Just remember that you may be getting all four of your wisdom teeth removed at once. This means that there is more of a risk of developing a dry socket. It is extremely important that you follow the guidelines above. We also suggest that if you have had multiple teeth pulled, that you use more caution and wait longer to add in beverages.
You don’t want to risk drinking hot coffee too soon and have multiple dry sockets forming because of it. Just remember, if you need a caffeine boost you can still enjoy cold brew and iced coffee in the morning.
Final Thoughts:
While the tooth extraction process can be uncomfortable and cause some soreness, it doesn’t have to lead to unbearable pain. There are some simple guidelines that you can follow to allow you to quickly heal and be enjoying your favorite coffee beverage in no time at all.
The main things to remember are to slowly sip cold beverages for the first few days. If you want a reminder of the proper coffee drinking timeline and process, here it is:
- Sip slowly and never use a straw during the healing process
- First 24 hours: only drink water, juice, and milk (if your dentist allows other cold beverages, you can enjoy those too)
- After 24 hours: you can enjoy iced coffee and cold brew
- After 48 hours: you should be able to drink some warm coffee, not too hot. (If any pain occurs, stop drinking it immediately)
- After 5 days: you should be safe to drink your favorite hot coffee beverage (again if any pain occurs, stop drinking it)
- Monitor the area and watch for any signs of dry socket or infection occurring
Please remember that if your doctor gives you different guidelines, always follow those. Each person is different, and your doctor will know best what you need to do.
However, these simple guidelines should help you to quickly and easily heal. In no time at all you will be back to your favorite morning cup of coffee.
- WebMD: Dental Health and Wisdom Teeth
- Mayo Clinic: Dry Socket
- HealthTap: How long after wisdom teeth extraction can I drink coffee?
- Dr. Alijanian: Drinking After Oral Surgery – Wisdom Teeth & Dental Implants
- Colgate: Can I Drink Coffee After A Tooth Extraction?
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