Benefits of Drinking Coffee Every Day
A hot cup of coffee is exactly what you need to kickstart your day. Whether you're happy, sad, angry, or upset, there's nothing a little caffeine can't fix. Millions around the globe love to enjoy a hot cup of Joe every day.

Though it may taste bitter and weird, we humans love the taste. In theory, humans should not enjoy the taste of coffee because we're born with a natural reflex to reject bitterness. We think this is because bitterness is generally an indication of poison. So, if coffee reminds us of poison, why do we continue drinking it?
No, consuming something just because it is bitter has no known link to pharmacological benefits. I learned this the hard way. Although, the caffeine in coffee does help one wake up and stay awake for more extended periods.
Caffeine not only gives you that jolt of energy, but it is also linked with improving overall cognitive brain function. That is the reason the positive feeling after drinking coffee generally outweighs the rejection of bitterness.
Our Brain and Coffee:
It is quite clear why coffee is the second most traded commodity on Earth after oil with its stimulating effects. For many, it acts as something that keeps us awake and gets us through our daily routine. But we never got around to figuring what exactly coffee does to our brain.
Research has found that some people may taste the chemicals that produce a bitter flavor more intensely than others. People whose receptors are less active than others may have a better chance of accepting the beverage's taste.
So, if you enjoy coffee, it generally means that you're working against the laws of nature. However, this is the exact thing that makes me want to have it more!
Coffee is the highest consumed drink in the world, with an estimated 2.5 million cups drunk globally every day. Despite drinking 50 cups a day, Voltaire managed to live till the age of 83. So, coffee addiction isn't so bad after all.
So, what are the benefits of drinking coffee every day?
1. Brainpower Boost
A good cup of coffee with some sugar can turn you into a little genius for a while. This is because the combination of glucose and caffeine activates specific sectors of your brain. The caffeine in coffee acts as a mild stimulant to the central nervous system. This activity ultimately triggers the release of adrenaline, which affects your body in several ways.
Your heartbeat increases, blood pressure rises, breathing tubes open up, and the sugar is released into the bloodstream for just that extra boost of energy you need. Besides, coffee has proven to boost brainpower amongst those suffering from jetlag or shift work sleep disorders.
2. Increased Blood Pressure

You may need to stay off the coffee if you have your blood pressure checked within the next two days. If you have a high BP, ask your doctor whether you should limit or stop drinking caffeinated beverages altogether. On the other hand, hypertension or low BP can be severe conditions and may pose a life-threatening problem if not treated.
That is when a hot cup of coffee comes into play. A small hot cup of coffee can battle a hypotensive episode, a situation where your blood pressure drops below the required limit. If you are prone to such outbreaks, add a cup of hot coffee to each meal to raise your blood pressure.
3. Stronger Immune System
Coffee is mainly known for its energy-boosting caffeine effects. It's an abundant source of nutrients and chemicals that can aid your immune system. According to scientists from several countries, coffee drastically reduces the risk of premature death.
This is because coffee alters our immune system by making it stronger and healthier, as it contains many antioxidants and phenolic components that play a crucial role in cancer prevention.
In addition to all this, coffee is also popular for improving our liver, heart, and digestive system. However, always stick to freshly ground coffee, as instant coffee contains fewer nutrients and more chemical additives.
4. Relief from a Headache

A long, tiring, and stressful day anywhere has always resulted in headaches for me. Similarly, partying out late at night often results in a significant hangover in the morning. While I have tried numerous methods to get rid of the headache and migraines that follow, the most effective has bean coffee.
The caffeine found in coffee is beneficial in relieving headaches and migraines. While caffeine is also sold as an OTC drug, the one present in coffee increases the medication's strength, making it take effect quickly.
5. Reduced Stress
If you're crammed up at work or often found yourself working around the clock, stress is a given. In such cases, a hot cup of java can do wonders for you. Coffee primarily acts well as an anti-stress substance due to the release of dopamine and serotonin, which trigger a good mood almost immediately.
A hot cup of Joe or even the smell is enough to calm your nerves. This explains the lower risk of depression amongst people who drink it regularly. Drinking between two to four cups every day helps reduce the risk of suicide in both men and women by up to 50%.
Caffeine is the most common stimulator of the nervous system, and this stimulation keeps depression at bay. Please note that only caffeine contained in coffee has this effect.
Final Thoughts:
Coffee is not only delicious. It is also good for your health. While, like everything else, you should not overdo it. Having a decent amount each day can help lower stress, give relief to headaches, and give you an energy boost to get through a long day. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a cup and enjoy.
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